Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

KIR guee waktu english camp 2012 sobb


A.      Background
     The availability of clean water in urban environments decrease, whereas the need to clean water are increasing in accordance with increasingly complex society lifestyle. Therefore it is necessary to have efficient  measures in order to keep the clean water availability, both in terms of quality and quantity.
The availability of clean water is one of the major problems in urban areas. This problem is closely related to the use, maintenance and preservation of water sources which are generally located in the surrounding area (Tjahjati, et al., 2005:8).
One aspect that must be taken to ensure that water availability is not decreasing that is the presence of water use efficiency measures, which can be done through the management of water use within the family, so there is availability of sufficient water in urban environments. One of the way to do that is by controlling the use of water by each family member.
Another attempt can be done by a collective society is maintaining and preserving the environment to ensure the sustainable water availability. Ways that can be done partly by  "Million Trees" planting movement program, meaning that everyone one can grow a kind of long-lived woody local plant  as well as providing rain water catchment area that can help water absorption into the soil.
Besides the community, the city government also plays an important role in fulfilling the availability of clean water. Government should be able to coordinate the city water supply system as efficiently as possible. One of the way done by the government to meet the availability of clean water for urban communities is a safe and well management of water sources in the environment managed by the tap water company.
     In order to keep the clean water sustainability, there must be some alternative ways such as the utilization of ground water. Ground water is a natural source that is effective enough to overcome the problem of limited water, however, their use should not be excessive because it can cause environmental damage.
     To ensure the continuity of  clean water supply which is eligible for the needs of urban society, the concept of water management should be a city management scenario. The concept of sustainable development is proposed as an attempt to combine the urgent need for development and the importance of protecting the environment (Tjahjati, et al., 2005:375-401).

B.      Identification of problems
     Based on the background of the above problems can be revealed some problems as follows:
1.     How is the need level for clean water by the urban society?
2.      Is the water supply sufficient for the urban society?
3.      How is the efficency level of water use  by the urban society in general?
4.     How is the ability of the water sources management by the urban society?
5.     How is the contribution of urban society to the availability of clean water in their environment?

C.      Hypothesis
     Based on the above problem formulation, the hypothesis can be proposed as follows:
1.     The level of clean water needs of urban communities is increasing.
2.     Water supply is already sufficient for the urban society.
3.     Level of water use efficiency for the urban society in general is relatively low.
4.     Ability of water management by the urban society is relatively low.
5.     Contribution of urban society to water supply in the environment is still relatively   low.

D.      Research Objectives
      Based on the above problem formulation can be obtained several research objectives:
1.     To determine the need  level for the availability of clean water sources used by urban society.
2.     To determine the availability of clean water needed by the urban society.
3.     To determine the efficiency level of water use by urban society in general.
4.     To determine the ability of  water sources management by the urban society.
5.     To determine the contribution of urban society to the availability of clean water in their environment.

E.      Benefits of Research
     Benefits of research are:
1.       Informing the public about the need for clean water sources availability by the urban society.
2.       Informing the public about the availability of clean water needed by the urban society.
3.       Informing the public about the level of water use efficiency for the urban society in general.
4.       Informing the public about the ability of the water sources management by the urban society.
5.       Informing the public about how far the urban society contribution to the water supply in their environment

F.      How to Get Data
     Data obtained through observation and filling questionnaires to 100 respondents in the Pangenjurutengah Village,  Purworejo District.

G.     Data Analysis Techniques
     Data were analyzed by descriptive comparative to see how far the water needs by the urban society, clean water supply is sufficient for the urban society or not, the level of water use efficiency by the urban society in general, the ability of the management of water sources by the urban society, and contribution of urban society to clean water supply in their environment.


A.      Water availability in the Community
     Clean water in human life is one of the most important need, so it needs to fulfill both in quantity and adequate quality. In addition to water consumption, clean water can also be used as one tool in improving quality of life through improving the health status (Sutrisno, 1991:1).
     The main purpose of water supply system is to provide clean water to the desired places with a sufficient amount. But today there are restrictions in the amount of water that can be obtained because of the energy savings and the limited sources of water (Noerbambang, 1993:3).
     According to Chatib (1996:25), in a review of the technical aspects, the provision of clean water can be divided into two systems, namely:
1)     Individual water supply systems (Individual Water Supply System), the water supply system for individual use or limited service. Sources of water used in these systems generally come from the ground.
2)     Water supply systems in urban communities (Community / Municipality   Water Supply System), a water supply system for the general public or the scale of the city, and for comprehensive services, including for domestic use (domestic), social and industrial.
     Water supply system according to Noerbambang (1993:13,31,51) includes some equipment such as an underground water tank, water tank on the roof, pumps, piping, and so forth.
     At the current water supply system that is widely used can be grouped as follows: (1) The direct connection, (2) roof tank system, (3) pressed tank system and (4) Systems with no tank (booster system).

B.      Urban Water Supply
     Urban water needs currently can be met through two systems namely: piping systems and non-pipeline system. Piping system is a system where water supply is done through the management of water from its source to its service area (customers) which are usually performed by the Tap Water Company (PDAM). While the non-pipeline system is the water supply system which can be obtained naturally, either directly or indirectly, such as well water, river water, lake water, rain water or other water sources.
     According Kemmemer in Raharjo (2002:20) the utilization of water sources for urban water needs can be done in two ways:
1)     Drain water from the water source to the users or the public service is used for urban water needs, including the need for domestic and public activities, known as public service. This service is performed by the local government implementation undertaken by the Tap Water Company (PDAM). This service is chargeable under and in accordance with the meter system.
2)     Pursue your own by digging wells. Excavation of the well is mostly done by people to provide for domestic, commercial, and industrial.
     Factors affecting urban water demand is as follows (Linsley, et al., in Raharjo,  
2002: 23):
1)     Climate, water needs for daily living such as bathing, washing, watering the plants growing in the dry season.
2)     The characteristics of the population, living standards and socio-economic condition conditions of the population has a positive correlation with the mount of water needs. It means that people with a good socio-economic conditions and high living standards will require more water than people with poor socioeconomic conditions and lower living standards.
3)     Water rater and meter, when the price of water is expensive, people will be more restrained in the use of water.
4)     City size, indicated by the number of facilities and infrastructure owned by a city. The more facilities and infrastructure owned by a city, the more water used by the city.

1.     Water Supply for Home Need
                        Fulfilling the needs of water for drinking water is done by the development of domestic water supply system. Household water is water with a standard can be drunk directly without cooking it and it has been stated in advance that it is healthy according to results of microbiological testing (E. coli test). Development of drinking water systems are expanding and improving physical and nonphysical systems in complete unity to provide drinking water that meets certain standards of quality for the community towards a better state (Kodoatie, et al., 2005:286).
                        The most important physical characteristics that affect water quality is determined by the total solid material either floating or dissolved, turbidity, color, smell, and taste as well as temperature or water temperature. While the chemical characteristics of the water content of the chemicals contained in water which affect the suitability of water include pH, alkalinity, cations, and anions dissolved and hardness. While the biological characteristics of water include the types of living organisms that may be contained in the water either microscopic, macroscopic, and bacteria.
                        Based on the level of consumption and the need for clean water for everyone, is strongly influenced by the level of activity, lifestyle, and socioeconomic conditions. The need for clean water is not only about the quantity but also quality based on the purpose. For example, drinking water quality standard will be more stringent than the water quality standard for other needs such as washing the car or industrial purposes (Soemarwoto, 2001:39).

C.      Water Resources Management
     Various causes  which disrupt the sustainability of water resources according to Kodoatie, et al. (2002:13), namely:
1)     The decreasing of land as water catchment areas, this is due to thea lot of area which is used as residential areas.
2)     The  decreasing of land as water catchment areas, this is due to thea lot of area which is used as residential areas.
3)     The decreasing of water quality due to the excessive of waste dumped into rivers causing pollution.
4)     The decreasing capacity of the environment on the preservation of the functions and benefits of water resources due to lack of awareness of human beings to care for the environment.
5)     The disruption of the sustainability of water resources and threat to the preservation of the waters buildings due to uncontrolled excavation of mineral for the building.

1.   Utilization of Ground Water
                        Groundwater is a source of planet Earth's largest freshwater. Lately, the use of ground water is increasing rapidly, even in some places the level of exploitation has reached a dangerous level. The tendency to choose the groundwater as a source of clean water than surface water due to ground water has several advantages, among others: (1) available close to the place where it is needed, so that the pipeline system needed or distribution is cheaper, (2) Water production of wells are usually relatively stable, (3) cleaner from contaminants of  surface pollutants, (4) The quality is more uniform and (5) free from turbidity, bacteria, mildew, or water plants and animals (Suripin, 2004:132-141).

2.     Soil Water Conservation
            Population growth and rapid development has led to changes in land use. This is caused of the large open fields or forests that serve as residential and industrial areas. This not only occurs in urban areas but is reaching the cultivated area and protected areas that serve as water catchment areas.
            To cope with the soil water deficit, many thinkers have proposed the concept of artificial replenishment, for example with an artificial pool of water resources from rivers, making ponds around the house, the use of porous pipe drainage nets to absorb rain water around the house, and water spread on land as well as to irrigate the vast agricultural areas. Another way that has actually been widely practiced by our ancestors are the wells, namely by making the holes dug in the garden and take advantage of the wells which are not used as a rain water collection. The basic concept of well is basically a drainage system where rainwater that fell from the roof or land watertight fit on a water catchment system, either individual wells or collective wells.
            Collective wells must also consider the layout and the right distance in order to function properly and do not cause a negative impact on the environment. Based on the available land, collective wells can be made in the form of absorption ponds, wells, or trenches. Absorption pond is suitable made in area where there is enough land and shallow soil water conditions (< 5m). Deep wells can be made on a narrow area, but the conditions must be in the ground water (> 5m). Meanwhile, if the land is narrow and shallow groundwater can be made into trenches.
            The benefits of artificial water wells according to Research and Development in Central Java Bappeda Level I (1995:5), among others: (1) to increase and raise the water, especially shallow groundwater, (2) to increase the potential for soil or water sources , (3) To reduce leakage or intrusion of sea water onto land, (4) to reduce the pool of flood water or flood, (5) To reduce the risk of landslides and land subsidence in the area around the wells, (6) To conserve and save water resources for the long period and (7) To support the success of reforestation.

3.     Management Principles in the Management of Water Supply
                        Management of water resources covers three aspects that must be considered namely: aspects of the use, preservation or conservation aspects, and control aspects  (Kodoatie, et al, 2002:29). In terms of utilization of clean water, it should be coupled with the preservation or conservation so that utilization can be sustained. A good water conservation is a combination of two concepts, namely storing water in times of water excess, and using it as least as possible for a particular productive purposes (Suripin, 2002:13).


A.      Population: 
Urban society in Purworejo District.

B.      Sampel:
 100 respondents in the Village 
of Pangenjurutengah

C.      Location:
of Pangenjurutengah , Purworejo District

D.      Research variables:
1.     The independent variable:
            The level of education, occupation, income level and family size.
2.   Variable response:
The amount of water need by the community is measured by the cost             of monthly expenses and contribution society.
E.      Tools
The tools used in this penelitiaan as follows:
1)     Camera
2)     Tape recorder
3)     Questionnaires
4)     Stationery

F.      Work Steps
1.     Visit the homes of residents in urban areas of Purworejo.
2.     Observe how the environment around water sources they have.
3.     Filed a questionnaire  to every head of household to determine the level of water need and the factors that influence it.
4.     Make the documentation of these activities.

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